
  • Visual Studio For Mac Intellisense Not Working
    카테고리 없음 2020. 11. 26. 00:00

    Visual Studio for Mac will now format your code following the conventions specified in the.editorconfig file. This will allow you to set your coding style, preferences, and warnings for your project; making it simpler for code that you contribute to other projects to follow the practices of those projects. Intellisense not working with virtual environments in Mac OS #620. Pylint reports it's unable to import google.cloud, and VSCode does not provide intellisense on the package. Expected behavior. Open -a /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app.

    Active3 years, 8 months ago

    I am using Visual Studio Code to develop an ASP.NET 5 application on Mac. The issue I am having is that I don't get any IntelliSense support (e.g. available class methods) beyond simple autocomplete for methods and variables names that I previously typed.

    The app targets DNX Core 5.0:

    And I have CoreCLR 1.0.0-rc1-update1 installed via DNVM:

    $dnvm list

    Active Version Runtime Architecture OperatingSystem Alias

    ------ ------- ------- ------------ --------------- -----

    • 1.0.0-rc1-update1 coreclr x64 darwin default

    I tried the following to resolve the issue, but with no luck:

    • Made sure that a project is selected (fire icon in the bottom right corner)
    • Explicitly turned suggestions in settings.json

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    Nikolai SamteladzeNikolai Samteladze
    5,8994 gold badges37 silver badges68 bronze badges

    1 Answer

    In short, the problem was that, while I had Mono installed on my machine, I didn't have DNX Mono. Installing it via DNVM locally (dnvm upgrade -r mono) resolved the issue and now I am having nice IntelliSense support in Visual Studio Code.

    Now the long story.

    Visual Studio Code uses OmniSharp to provide IntelliSense support. OmniSharp is a set of tools that provides C# code analysis services through a Nancy-based web API that runs on your machine (great posts on it here and here).

    I didn't not get any IntelliSense because OmniSharp ran with errors which I could have easily caught if I paid more attention to Visual Studio Code Output window (Cmd+LL on Mac). OmniSharp Log (see below) shows that it tried to use dnx-mono.1.0.0-rc1-update1 runtime and then threw an exception because it was not there.

    From what I understand, OmniSharp can't use DNX CoreCLR (because it doesn't support sockets?) and needs DNX Mono to run. There is some discussion on this topic in VS Code GitHub repo here.

    Running dnvm upgrade -r mono and restarting Visual Studio Code fixed the issue. My DNVM set up now looks like this:

    Please note that you don't have to use DNX Mono for development in order to get IntelliSense to work. You just need to have it installed.

    OmniSharp Log

    [INFO] Starting OmniSharp at APP_PATH..

    [INFO] Started OmniSharp from '/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/jrieken.vscode-omnisharp/bin/omnisharp' with process id 34893..

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Startup] Omnisharp server running using stdio at location APP_PATH on host 34884.

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxProjectSystem] Scanning APP_PATH for DNX projects

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxPaths] Using runtime '/Users/nsamteladze/.dnx/runtimes/dnx-coreclr-darwin-x64.1.0.0-rc1-update1'.

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxProjectSystem] Found project APP_PATH/project.json.

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Dnx.DesignTimeHostManager] Using '/Users/nsamteladze/.dnx/runtimes/dnx-mono.1.0.0-rc1-update1' for design time host.

    [ERROR:OmniSharp.Startup] The project system 'DnxProjectSystem' threw an exception. System.InvalidOperationException: File name has not been set at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_common (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00000] in :0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process:Start () at OmniSharp.Dnx.DesignTimeHostManager.Start (System.String hostId, System.Action`1 onConnected) [0x00000] in :0 at OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxProjectSystem.Initalize (IConfiguration configuration) [0x00000] in :0 at OmniSharp.Startup.Configure (IApplicationBuilder app, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILibraryManager manager, IOmnisharpEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ISharedTextWriter writer, IOptions'1 optionsAccessor) [0x00000] in :0

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.MSBuild.MSBuildProjectSystem] No solution files found in APP_PATH

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.ScriptCs.ScriptCsProjectSystem] Detecting CSX files in APP_PATH.

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.ScriptCs.ScriptCsProjectSystem] Could not find any CSX files

    [INFORMATION:OmniSharp.Startup] Solution has finished loading

    Nikolai SamteladzeNikolai Samteladze
    5,8994 gold badges37 silver badges68 bronze badges
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    Developer Community |System Requirements |Compatibility |Distributable Code |Documentation |Blogs |Servicing |


    Install the most recent Preview version of Visual Studio for Mac by changing the updater channel to Beta.


    This release is not 'go-live' and not intended for use on production computers or for creating production code.

    To learn more about Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, see Mac System Requirementsand Mac Platform Targeting and Compatibility.

    To learn more about other related downloads, see the Downloads page.


    We would love to hear from you! You can report a problem through the Report a Problem option in Visual Studio for Mac IDE.You can track your feedback in the Developer Community portal. For suggestions, let us know through UserVoice.

    Known Issues

    Refer to the Known Issues section.

    Release History

    • July 24, 2018 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 5
    • July 11, 2018 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 4
    • June 21, 2018 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 3
    • May 31, 2018 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 2
    • May 07, 2018 – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 1

    Release Highlights

    • The Build Log has been completely revamped to give structured build output that is easier to read and understand.
    • Azure Functions support has been expanded. You can now choose the trigger type when creating a new Azure Functions project. Visual Studio for Mac now also supports publishing Azure Functions to Azure.
    • We've continued to improve performance and stability in Visual Studio for Mac.

    Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 5 (

    released July 24, 2018

    Code Editor

    • Fixed an issue where the TODO comments stopped working in latest beta.
    • Fixed an issue where HTML elements would not colorize correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where typing block comments throws a NotImplementedException.
    • Fixed an issue with Korean language input where the final character does not highlight when selecting from end of line to beginning of line, until code the completion dialog box disappears.

    Structured Build Output

    • Fixed an issue where the structured build output unnecessarily displays task names.
    • Improved the rounding of build times.
    • Fixed some alignment issues with the structured build output icons.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of the last character in each node.
    • Fixed an issue where the displayed file name did not update after performing a new build.


    • Fixed an issue that causes an intermittent crash when building Xamarin Forms Control Gallery.
    • Fixed an issue where configuration mapping changes for a project does not notify modifications.


    • Fixed an issue where the WebReference addin slows down folder building in the solution pad.

    .NET Core

    • Fixed an issue where .NET Core project is not restored after changing project properties.


    • Fixed an issue where NuGet source transformations are not recognized by IntelliSense.



    • If Java 9 and above are installed, Visual Studio for Mac will use apksigner to sign Android .apks when publishing through the publishing workflow.


    • Fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac appears to offer no updates.
    • Fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac checkout functionality freezes entire program.
    • Improved navigation and flow of feedback survey.
    • Fixed some focus issues when creating a new Azure Functions project.

    Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 4 (

    released July 11, 2018

    Code Editor

    We made the following fixes to Code Editor:

    • Fixed an issue where toggle line comment menu no longer exists.
    • Fixed an issue where the CheckArrayIndexValueCodeRefactoringProvider is disabled when typing an opening bracket.
    • Fixed an issue where the 'Show stack trace' command in the exception bar does not show or display any information.
    • Fixed an issue where a NullReferenceException in MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.FileRegistry.HasMultipleIncorrectEolMarkers is thrown when opening a file.
    • Fixed an issue where Line/col for TODO issues is off by 1.
    • Fixed an issue where pasted text indents with extra (virtual indentation) whitespace.
    • Fixed a rendering issue where the 'Show scopes' command includes markup.
    • Fixed an issue where debugger tooltips are not always displayed.
    • Fixed some graphical glitches in the text editor.
    • Fixed an issue where renaming a method should not trigger the removal of generic type arguments.
    • Fixed an issue where EditorConfig settings are not applied to new files added to the project.
    • Fixed an issue where the built in 'extensions' and 'default' are displayed in language bundles panel.
    • Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown when clicking in specific locations of a source file.
    • Fixed an issue where 'Add Reference' quick fix does not add a reference.
    • Fixed an issue where search results do not display in full screen with a second monitor.
    • Fixed an issue where an error, 'There was an error saving the changes', displays when enabling code folding.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the editor to occasionally become unresponsive to user input.
    • Fixed an issue where renaming a class asks to reload the file.


    • We have made additional gains on improving the amount of work performed by the IDE on startup.
    • Fixed a memory issue where Document.DisposeDocument subscribes to an event instead of unsubscribing.
    • Fixed issues related to FileWatcherService resource starvation.
    • Fixed an issue where code fix preview menu hangs several seconds on large fixes.


    • Fixed a NullReferenceException when loading an sdk-style project with no TargetFramework.
    • Fixed an issue where circular dependencies between MSBuild imports would result in a StackOverflowException.
    • Improved error messaging when failing to evaluate an MSBuild project.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Visual Studio for Mac to freeze when opening solution.

    Structured Build Output

    • The Structured Build Output is now accessible along with the old 'flat' output from MSBuild.
    • Fixed a crash in structured build output.
    • Fixed an issue where selecting 'Build succeeded' from breadcrumb bar breaks breadcrumb bar.
    • Fixed a UI glitch where the breadcrumb bar 'no selection' pops up empty list.
    • Fixed an issue where building against a running emulator appears to break Build Output.
    • Fixed an issue where the next and previous buttons should be insensitive when there are no results.
    • The output is now expanded by default.
    • We added an indicator that a build is in progress.
    • We improved the padding of the breadcrumb bar.
    • Fixed truncation of the navigation link for warnings at the bottom on the build output.

    Web Tools

    • Fixed an issue where code completion doesn't commit if the caret is immediately followed by }.
    • Fixed an issue where JavaScript syntax highlighting breaks when passing parameter to a function.
    • Fixed an issue where Razor directives are not colorized correctly.
    • Updated JavaScript/TypeScript TextMate Language files.
    • Fixed an issue where the New Project dialog does not close after creating a new Azure Functions project.
    • Fixed an issue where code in indented @{} block jumps up a line when committed and cannot be repositioned.


    • Fixed an issue where adding FSharp.Core 4.5.0 NuGet package shows 4.3.3 as the displayed dependency in the solution pad.



    • Fixed an issue where it is not possible to open a storyboard file through Xcode.


    • Fixed an issue where the app would not launch when starting the app in Release configuration.


    • Fixed an issue where the user is unable to save files and add new resources to the Xamarin forms project.
    • Fixed an issue where the assembly browser does not show public members if visibility is 'Only public members'.
    • Fixed an issue where Source Control selection in Tools -> Options -> Source Control is lost when opening context menu.

    Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 3 (

    released June 21, 2018

    Structured Build Output

    Historically the Build Output was simply a capture of the output from the build tasks with minimal formatting. This makes it hard to findspecific information, hard to understand for new users, and was often truncated because it was too long to be held in memory. In this release,we are introducing a new Build Output document based on MSBuild binary logs.

    The two most obvious changes are that the log no longer shows in the Errors pad and that the output is structured instead ofbeing a flat text log. Clicking the 'Build Output' button in the Errors pad now opens a new document with the build output instead ofconstraining the output to the right hand side of the Error pad.

    When viewing the Build Log you can now enable a diagnostic view of the log by changing the log verbosity in the viewer, instead of changing it in Preferences and re-building the project again. The log can be saved to disk and can be re-openedat any time. We have added support for opening .binlog files directly in Visual Studio for Mac to enable you to do this.

    The build output is searchable and it's possible to drill down into the tasks that ran to understand the flow of the build.

    Azure Functions

    We updated and improved the experience when creating a new Functions project. Previously the new project would default with an HttpTriggerfunction. Visual Studio for Mac now offers available trigger types that you can select when creating a new project.


    Code Editor

    • We have added an overtype marker in editor to show that the closing bracket can be typed over.
    • Fixed an issue where code completion in anonymous methods is broken when IntelliSense - Show Import Items is turned on.
    • Fixed some issues with documentation comments: Exception, Param ref.
    • Fixed incorrect XSLT validation error for xsl:variable.
    • Fixed an issue with the cursor location when expanding a code snippet.
    • Fixed an empty error dialog that is shown when the user has a corrupt highlighting theme.
    • Fixed an error navigating to a type in assembly browser.
    • Fixed an issue where the gutter on the left corrupts when you hover over the '..' associated with a compile error.
    • Fixed an issue where text loses indentation when typing.
    • Fixed an issue where the editor doesn't work with .NET Standard 2.0 NuGet.
    • Fixed an issue with Korean language input where the final character is not highlighted when selecting from end of line to beginning of line.
    • Fixed an issue where Korean characters are transposed during selection/highlight (e.g. to copy + paste).


    • Fixed an issue where LoadProject is called twice on solution load due to configuration change.
    • Fixed an issue where F# highlight usages does too much work on the foreground thread.
    • Fixed an issue where IDE focus-in/out does a lot of IO.
    • Fixed a possible cause of slow MSBuild GetSourceFilesAsync evaluation.
    • Visual Studio for Mac now disables full solution analysis when the OS triggers a warning about memory.
    • Implemented a Roslyn background compiler for MDWorkspace.
    • Load syntax schemes on demand for each file type.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the UI to freeze after opening a solution.


    • Code folding shows when VoiceOver is being used, instead of auto hiding, which is the default behavior.


    • Fixed a NullReferenceException when a file is added externally to the project.

    .Net Core

    • Fixed the default build action for new files.
    • Fixed a UI hang when building an ASP.NET Core Angular project.


    • Fixed an issue where updating PackageReference removes metadata.

    Web Tools

    • Fixed an exception when typing in TypeScript file: System.ArgumentException Message=The specified SnapshotPoint or SnapshotSpan is on a different ITextSnapshot than this SnapshotSpan.
    • Fixed an issue where there was no IntelliSense for .css files.
    • Fixed an issue where backspace was not available on smart indented lines.


    • Fixed some inaccurate F# autocompletion.
    • Remove 'System.ValueTuple.4.3.0' from templates as it is not required and is not on NuGet.



    • Fixed an issue where IntelliSense does not work for auto-generated fields through Xamarin.Forms XAML.



    Automatic provisioning in Visual Studio for Mac will now attempt to create and use wildcard App ID and provisioning profiles by default, instead of creating an App ID based on the Bundle Identifier specified in the Info.plist file. Using wildcard IDs by default reduces the number of profiles and IDs that need maintenance in the developer portal.

    There are some cases where an explicit App ID needs to be used, based on the entitlements used in the app. The following entitlements are not supported by wildcard App IDs:

    • App Groups
    • Associated Domains
    • Apple Pay
    • Game Center
    • HealthKit
    • HomeKit
    • Hotspot
    • In-App purchase
    • Multipath
    • NFC
    • Personal VPN
    • Push Notifications
    • Wireless Accessory Configuration

    If your app uses one of these entitlements, Visual Studio for Mac will attempt to create an explicit App ID instead of a wildcard one.

    In addition to wildcard App ID support, the following issues have been fixed:

    • When connecting the debugger to your app, Visual Studio for Mac now uses the device's connection port instead of using global preferences. This means USB is used for debugging (when connected through USB) even if the preferences are for WiFi debugging.
    • Fixed an error when trying to connect to Apple Developer Account.
    • Fixed an issue where $(AppIdentifierPrefix) is not inserted before the automatically generated bundle ID entry when enabling keychain access groups.
    • Fixed an issue with new watchOS projects where the namespace would not match the iOS project.
    • Fixed an issue where the issue analyzer would not trigger after changing the deployment target.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented profiling a tvOS application over WiFi.


    • Fixed an issue where users would not be notified if Android SDK Tools were missing when starting an emulator.
    • Fixed an issue where apps would be reported as failed to install, even though they installed correctly.

    Android SDK Manager

    • Fixed an issue showing component licenses on installation.
    • Fixed a threading issue when downloading components that impacted the UI thread.

    Android Device Manager

    • Fixed an issue starting emulators that required a system image to be download before starting.


    • Fixed an issue where it is not possible to re-run tests after stopping tests.

    Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 2 (

    released May 31, 2018

    Visual studio equivalent for mac. The new book has following information. New book has foowncw Title: The sun also rises Author: Ernest Hemingway Year: 1926 » Price: $10 Add a new feature 'publisher' as the 5th element of every book.

    Code Editor

    This release addresses a number of issues with the code editor:

    • NOTE: for some Windows 10 users it may be necessary to re-activate Studio One on first launch. Studio one for mac.

    • Analyzers and formatting do not update after modifying editorconfig.
    • Single-line members were shown as collapsible.
    • Creating a new event handler would always put the method at the start of the class.
    • The closing curly brace is removed on deleting curly braces above it in a .cs file.
    • Collapsed regions would auto expand.
    • Go to Definition would not work reliably when navigating to the assembly browser.
    • The assembly browser is broken in 7.5 build 1254.
    • Visual Studio for Mac freezes when saving a file.
    • The cursor would be located incorrectly after expanding snippets.
    • Right-click -> FindReferences returns too many useless results when used in an interface.
    • 'Squiggles' do not scale with editor when zooming.
    • Multiple 'var to explicit type' actions are available in the Quick Fix menu.
    • Tooltip does not disappear on typing or moving to another item.
    • Double click text selection is often blocked by tooltip.
    • Toggle line comment menu no longer exists.
    • Text editor misrenders when jumping to a line of source.
    • Setting Place System directives first cannot be turned off.
    • TODO doesn't highlight anymore (worked before Update).
    • We made it easier to configure Quick Fix rules by filtering the rules when invoked through the Quick Fix command.
    • We fixed some Right-to-Left issues:
      • All braces are not indented when my Mac language is Hebrew - (RTL language).
      • Curly brackets indention issue.


    • We fixed an issue where creating a new Functions project would result in IntelliSense errors until the project was closed and reopened.
    • The Clean target now runs asynchronously.


    • We fixed an issue where the Immediate window completion only contains locals.


    We fixed the following performance related issues:

    • MEF would perform work on the UI thread.
    • VSTest adapter delays solution load.
    • GetSemanticModelAsync should not be called from UI Thread.


    This release introduces the following feature:

    • It is now possible to create an Interactive Workbook from the Welcome Page if Workbooks is installed.

    The following issues were addressed in the Visual Studio for Mac Shell:

    • When the system language is changed to Chinese, it is not reflected in Visual Studio for Mac.
    • The pin icon in the Welcome Page is too small.
    • Visual Studio for Mac 7.5 crashes when selecting a device with a name starting with #.
    • Drag-and-drop into welcome page does not work anymore.
    • Cannot rename solution items.
    • Cannot add new file to solution items.
    • Move to previous notebook menu item is not working.
    • Visual Studio 2017 for Mac 7.5 (build 1255) crashes without ever showing UI when downgrading from 7.6 Preview to 7.5.

    Version Control

    • We fixed an issue with the Git stash comment not displayed in Stash Manager dialog.
    • We fixed an issue with Git apply stash - Gtk warning - operation done on background thread.


    • We now support no-op restores on opening a solution. If the package references have not changed a then a no-op restore will occur.

    .Net Core

    • When the ASP.NET Core addin tries to install the HTTPS development certificate, the macOS message dialog that asks for the username and password will now display:

      dotnet-dev-certs wants to make changes.

    • We fixed an issue that where it wasn't possible to add declarations to an empty C# file using suggestions from IntelliSense.


    This release introduces the following feature:

    • We updated the version of Xamarin.Forms that is referenced in new projects to 3.0.

    We fixed the following issues for F# developers:

    • F#'s 'Find References' wrongly returns '0 matches' too often.
    • F# error in Android resource type provider when using Xamarin.Forms 3.0.
    • F# interactive outputs initial output message without any user input.
    • F# Xamarin.Forms project template description mentions PCL when it should be .NET Standard.
    • File > New Blank Forms App in F# sets the Android SDK to 8.0 instead of Use Latest.
    • F# interactive command history is off by one.

    Web Tools

    • We fixed a fatal error when editing an appsettings.json file in a new ASP.NET Core Web app from template.
    • We fixed an issue where web references to ASP.NET MVC project could not be added.


    • It is now possible to publish your Azure Function. Right click the Function project and select Publish, then create or publish to an Azure App Service.
    • We improved the time it takes to load subscription details.



    We fixed the following issues with iOS projects:

    • WatchKit Complication Assets Set specified in info.plist not recognized on compile.
    • aps-environment is not getting set to production after publishing a release build.
    • Asset catalogs in a shared project are listed twice in the solution explorer.
    • Enable Classkit checkbox in Entitlements.plist does not display as checked when the Entitlements.plist file is re-opened.


    • We fixed a crash when publishing to the Play Store.


    • We fixed some XAML editing issues for Xamarin.Forms:
      • Xamarin Forms - SomePage.xaml.cs -> InitializeComponent() says it's ambiguous.
      • Ambiguity between same members using a linked XAML file.

    Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.6 Preview 1 (

    How to get fl studio for free mac. released May 7, 2018

    Code Editor

    • Code Folding is enabled by default.
    • Fixed an issue where tooltips do not disappear.
    • Fixed an issue where a suggested 'Convert anonymous group to method group' replacement would be invalid.
    • Tooltip timeout is now shorter, which lowers the quick info popup time.
    • Fixed an issue where Alt+Up at beginning of the document results in an exception.
    • C# classification does not update when compilation changes.


    • Improved the performance of the Find References command.
    • Reduced Project model evaluation contention, which improves project load performance.


    • Fixed an issue where multiple Save dialogs are shown when close using keyboard shortcut multiple times.


    • Fixed an issue where VoiceOver would read invisible elements in the 'Project Options'.


    • The NuGet SDK Resolver that is included with Mono's MSBuild is now supported by Visual Studio for Mac. This allows SDKs to download from NuGet and consumed by SDK style projects.


    • Fixed an issue where implicit folders are incorrectly ordered in F# projects.
    • Improved how F# gets its list of keywords by using FCS instead of a hardcoded list.


    Visual Designers

    Android Designer
    • Full-fidelity layout editing: your XAML modifications are now preserved even in design mode.
    • Updated renderer to latest Android Oreo.
    • IntelliSense performance improvements.


    • ClassKit entitlements: ClassKit enables features in your education apps for iPad that can be used by educational institutions with Apple School Manager and Managed Apple IDs.
    • Visual Studio for Mac will now alert you if a particular iOS or Mac constructor (from Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Mac, respectively) is unavailable due to deprecation or introduced into a later version of the OS than the version the project is targeting (e.g. the 'Deployment Target' as set in the Info.plist).
    • Fixed an issue where IWKNavigationDelegate has two interface methods, and only one is shown in IntelliSense.


    • Fixed a number of visual glitches when publishing Mac apps.

    Known Issues

    • Already installed Android SDK is not detected in the installer (if installed through Android Studio).
    • Razor TagHelpers in project aren’t refreshed on build.
    • CSS Class IntelliSense in _Layout.cshtml, but not in views.
    • In Razor, toggle comments does not work in HTML.
    • Razor: indented tag content indentation bad.
    • Typing a tag in a for loop is changed to textarea (aspnet/Razor/issues/2200)

    Team Foundation version control extension – Release Notes

    Visual Studio Code Intellisense Loading

    Team Foundation version control support is available as an extension for Visual Studio for Mac. For more information on installing and using the extension, see the Connecting to Team Foundation version control guide.


    Released 6/28/2018

    Implemented enhancements:

    • Improved Source Explorer experience. The Refresh button has been removed since everything is now refreshed automatically.
    • Simplified workspaces creation process.
    • Minor UI changes.

    Fixed bugs:

    • Fixed BUG with folders validation. It could affect the creation of workspaces.


    Wacom mobile studio pro alternatives. Released 6/27/2018

    Implemented enhancements:

    • Improved project filter. Added option to filter by server URL and username.
    • Improved Source Explorer loading time.
    • Improvements in the refresh process in Source Explorer (loading indicator, disable/enable buttons, etc).
    • Added more options to Source Explorer like open folders in Finder, etc.
    • Improved Work Items loading time.
    • Changes in some literals to adapt TFVC branding.
    • More validations: check if the workspace local path exists, etc.
    • Minor UI changes.

    Fixed bugs:

    • Added workspace cache to avoid unnecessary request validating project (big performance improvement).
    • Fixed BUG opening Source Explorer.
    • Fixed BUG creating workspaces. The workspace creation takes some time, moved to another thread.
    • Fixed BUG launching OAuth dialog from Source Explorer.
    • Fixed BUG adding new files from Source Explorer if there are not any working folder in the workspace.
    • Fixed some incorrect literals.
    • Fixed BUG with focus on Open from Source Control dialog.
    • Fixed BUG refreshing Source Explorer content after create a new workspace.


    Released 6/11/2018

    Fixed bugs:

    • Fixed BUG detecting if a project is in some of the TFS Servers (performance).


    Released 6/11/2018

    Implemented enhancements:

    • New authentication flow.
    • New projects dialog where can easily manage all servers, collections and projects.
    • Added auto discover servers and projects functionality.
    • Added project filter.
    • New dialog where select project paths to map.
    • Added files filter.
    • Added new dialog to create workspaces.
    • Added new option to delete working folders from an existing workspace.
    • Included more detailed forms validation.
    • Improved error management and user feedback. More detailed messages.
    • Improvements in SourceControlExplorer: file types are detected and specific icons are displayed, etc.
    • Improved loading times in SourceControlExplorer.
    • Added new logs option in the Settings.
    • Improvements in addin cache (settings, tokens, etc).
    • Minor UI changes and improvements (loading indicators, etc).

    Fixed bugs:

    • Fixed BUG authenticating in some TFS Servers using NTLM.
    • Fixed BUG creating workspaces related to workspaces cache.
    • Fixed BUG refreshing workspace after removing a project.
    • Fixed BUG refreshing OAuth token under some conditions.
    • Fixed BUG changing Visual Studio theme and minor UI details.
    • Fixed BUG getting the workspace owner name.

    0.1.1 (Beta)

    Released 5/8/2018

    Fixed bugs:

    • Fixed BUG loading OAuth Webview from some Visual Studio for macOS versions.

    0.1 (Beta)

    Released 5/8/2018

    Implemented enhancements:

    Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Intellisense Not Working

    • Basic and OAuth Authentication.
    • Choose server projects.
    • Create, edit and delete Workspaces.
    • SourceControlExplorer.
    • Map and get.
    • Added checkout functionality.
    • Added checkin functionality.
    • Added rename functionality.
    • Added delete folders and files functionality.
    • Added lock and unlock functionality.
    • Added undo changes functionality.

    Visual Studio Code Mac Intellisense Not Working

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